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Research Papers

Research Papers (chronological order)

45. Chavva, S. R; San Juan, A. M. T; Jaitpal, S; Vu, N.N; Mabbott, S. Efficient Production of Uniform Gold Nanoparticles via a Streamlined Low-Cost, Semi-Automated, Open-Source Platform. RSC Nanoscale. (Accepted – 04/24/24, DOI: 10.1039/D3NR06491C). [link]

44. Jaitpal, S; Ng, K.W; San Juan, A. M. T; Martinez, C; Phillips, C; Tripathy, S. DNA-Directed Formation of Plasmonic Core-Satellite Nanostructures for Quantification of Hepatitis C Viral RNA. Chemical Science. (Accepted – 04/23/24, DOI: 10.1039/D4SC00891J). [link]

43. Chaturvedi, N; Goncharov, A; Tripathy, S; San Juan, A. M. T; Mabbott, S; Ozcan, A; Ligler, F; Coté, G. Advances in point-of-care optical biosensing for underserved populations. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. (Accepted 04/26/24).

41. San Juan, A. M. T; Jaitpal, S; Ng, K.W; Martinez, C; Tripathy, S; Phillips, C; Coté. G; Mabbott. S. Freeze- Driven Synthesis of DNA Hairpin-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticle Biosensors for Dual-Mode Detection. ACS Applied Bio Materials. (Accepted – 03/27/24, DOI 10.1021/acsabm.4c0006). [link]

40. Nicolson, F; Andreiuk, B; Lee, E; O'Donnell, B; Whitley, A; Riepl, N; Burkhart D; Cameron. A; Protti, A; Rudder, S; Yang, J; Mabbott, S; Haigis, K. In vivo Imaging using Surface Enhanced Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SESORS): Balancing Sampling Frequency to Improve Overall Image Acquisition. NPJ Imaging. 2024, 2, 7. [link]

39. Tripathy, S; Chavva, S. R; San Juan, A; Cote, G. L; Mabbott, S. Indirect sandwich aptamer assay coupled structurally stabilized hairpin assisted hybridization chain reaction for femtomolar detection of cardiac troponin I. 2023 IEEE BioSensors Conference. 00, 1-3. [link]

38. Soliman, C; Faircloth, J; Tu, D; Mabbott, S; Maitland, K; Coté, G. Exploring the Clinical Utility of Raman Spectroscopy for Point-of-Care Cardiovascular Disease Biomarker Detection. Applied Spectroscopy. 2023, 0(0). [link]

37. Tripathy, S; Chavva, S; Coté, G; Mabbott, S. Modular and Handheld Raman Systems for SERS-based point- of-care diagnostics. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering. 2023, 28, 100488. [link]

36. Chaturvedi, N; Kunkel, A; Schechinger, M; Mabbott, S; Choudhury, M, Coté, G. Paper fluidic platform with dual-optical readouts to detect microRNA-20a (miR-20a) for preeclampsia. Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XXIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics. 2023, 12387, 83-90. [link]


35. Soliman, C.; Tu, D.; Mabbott, S.; Cote, G.; Maitland, K. Portable, Multi-modal Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopic Platform for Point-of-Care Applications. J. Biomed. Opt. 2022, 27(9), 095006 [link].

34. Chavva, S.; Bhat, N.; San Juan, A. M. T.; Jaitpal, S.; Mabbott. S. Simultaneous Thermal and Spectroscopic Screening of Morphologically Complex Theranostic Gold Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanotheranostics. 2022, 3 (2), 102-116. [link].

33. Tu, D.; Holderby, A.; Guo. H.; Mabbott. S.; Tian. L.; Coté. G. L. Spectrally Multiplexed Assay Using Gap Enhanced Nanoparticle for Detection of a Myocardial Infarction Biomarker Panel. Analytica Chimica Acta 2022, 1198. [link].

32. Clevenger, A. J.; Crawford, L. Z.; Noltensmeyer, D. A.; Babaei, H.; Mabbott, S. B.; Avazmohammadi, R.; Raghavan, S. Rapid Prototypable Biomimetic Peristalsis Bioreactor Capable of Concurrent Shear and Multi-axial Strain. Cells Tissues Organs. 2022. [link].

31. Jaitpal, S.; Chavva, S. R.; Mabbott, S. 3-D Printed SERS-active Thin Film Substrate Used to Quantify Levels of a Genotoxic Isothiazolinone. ACS Omega.  2022, 7 (3), 2850-2860. [link].

30. San Juan, A. M. T.; Chavva, S. R.; Tu, D.; Tircuit, M.; Coté, G.; Mabbott, S. Synthesis of SERS-Active Core–Satellite Nanoparticles Using Heterobifunctional PEG Linkers. Nanoscale Adv. 2022, 4 (1), 258–267. [link]

29. Girard, A.; Cooper, A.; Mabbott, S.; Bradley, B.; Asiala, S.; Jamieson, L.; Clucas, C.; Capewell, P.; Marchesi, F.; Gibbins, M. P.; Hentzschel, F.; Marti, M.; Quintana, J. F.; Garside, P.; Faulds, K.; MacLeod, A.; Graham, D. Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Skin as a Diagnostic Tool for Human African Trypanosomiasis. PLOS Pathog. 2021, 17 (11), e1010060. [link]

28. Jaitpal, S.; Chavva, S.; Mabbott, S. Towards Point-of-Care Detection of MicroRNAs Using Paper-Based Microfluidics. In Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XXI: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics; Coté, G. L., Ed.; SPIE, 2021; p 24. [link]

27. Tu, D.; Holderby, A.; Dean, J.; Mabbott, S.; Coté, G. L. Paper Microfluidic Device with a Horizontal Motion Valve and a Localized Delay for Automatic Control of a Multistep Assay. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93 (10), 4497–4505. [link]

26. Mabbott, S.; Fernandes, S. C.; Schechinger, M.; Cote, G. L.; Faulds, K.; Mace, C. R.; Graham, D. Detection of Cardiovascular Disease Associated MiR-29a Using Paper-Based Microfluidics and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Analyst 2020, 145 (3), 983–991. [link]

25. Schechinger, M.; Marks, H.; Mabbott, S.; Choudhury, M.; Cote’, G. A SERS Approach for Rapid Detection of MicroRNA-17 in the Picomolar Range. Analyst 2019, 144 (13), 4033–4044. [link]

24. McConnell, G.; Mabbott, S.; Kanibolotsky, A. L.; Skabara, P. J.; Graham, D.; Burley, G. A.; Laurand, N. Organic Semiconductor Laser Platform for the Detection of DNA by AgNP Plasmonic Enhancement. Langmuir 2018, 34 (49), 14766–14773. [link]

23. Nicolson, F.; Jamieson, L. E.; Mabbott, S.; Plakas, K.; Shand, N. C.; Detty, M. R.; Graham, D.; Faulds, K. Towards Establishing a Minimal Nanoparticle Concentration for Applications Involving Surface-Enhanced Spatially Offset Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (SESORRS) in Vivo. Analyst 2018, 143 (22), 5358–5363. [link]

22. Nicolson, F.; Jamieson, L. E.; Mabbott, S.; Plakas, K.; Shand, N. C.; Detty, M. R.; Graham, D.; Faulds, K. Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (SERRS) for Probing through Plastic and Tissue Barriers Using a Handheld Spectrometer. Analyst 2018, 143 (24), 5965–5973. [link]

21. Pala, L.; Mabbott, S.; Faulds, K.; Bedics, M. A.; Detty, M. R.; Graham, D. Introducing 12 New Dyes for Use with Oligonucleotide Functionalised Silver Nanoparticles for DNA Detection with SERS. RSC Adv. 2018, 8 (32), 17685–17693. [link]

20. Nicolson, F.; Jamieson, L. E.; Mabbott, S.; Plakas, K.; Shand, N. C.; Detty, M. R.; Graham, D.; Faulds, K. Multiplex Imaging of Live Breast Cancer Tumour Models through Tissue Using Handheld Surface-Enhanced Spatially Offset Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (SESORRS). Chem. Commun. 2018, 54 (61), 8530–8533. [link]


19. Nicolson, F.; Jamieson, L. E.; Mabbott, S.; Plakas, K.; Shand, N. C.; Detty, M. R.; Graham, D.; Faulds, K. Through Tissue Imaging of a Live Breast Cancer Tumour Model Using Handheld Surface-Enhanced Spatially Offset Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (SESORRS). Chem. Sci. 2018, 9 (15), 3788–3792. [link]


18. Nicolson, F.; Jamieson, L. E.; Mabbott, S.; Shand, N. C.; Graham, D.; Faulds, K. Through Barrier Detection of Ethanol Using Handheld Raman Spectroscopy-Conventional Raman versus Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS). J. Raman Spectrosc. 2017, 48 (12), 1828–1838. [link]


17. Mabbott, S.; Xu, Y.; Goodacre, R. Objective Assessment of SERS Thin Films: Comparison of Silver on Copper via Galvanic Displacement with Commercially Available Fabricated Substrates. Anal. Methods 2017, 9 (33), 4783–4789. [link]


16. Marks, H.; Mabbott, S.; Huang, P.-J.; Jackson, G. W.; Kameoka, J.; Graham, D.; Coté, G. L. Comparison of Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 2 CoO 4 Core-Shell Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Aptamer Mediated SERS Assays. In Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications XI; Parak, W. J., Osinski, M., Liang, X.-J., Eds.; 2016; p 97220N. [link]


15. Marks, H.; Huang, P.-J.; Mabbott, S.; Graham, D.; Kameoka, J.; Coté, G. Ferric Plasmonic Nanoparticles, Aptamers, and Magnetofluidic Chips: Toward the Development of Diagnostic Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Assays. J. Biomed. Opt. 2016, 21 (12), 127005. [link]


14. Mackanic, D. G.; Mabbott, S.; Faulds, K.; Graham, D. Analysis of Photothermal Release of Oligonucleotides from Hollow Gold Nanospheres by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (37), 20677–20683. [link]


13. Mabbott, S.; Thompson, D.; Sirimuthu, N.; McNay, G.; Faulds, K.; Graham, D. From Synthetic DNA to PCR Product: Detection of Fungal Infections Using SERS. Faraday Discuss. 2016, 187, 461–472. [link]


12. Laing, S.; Suriano, R.; Lamprou, D. A.; Smith, C.-A.; Dalby, M. J.; Mabbott, S.; Faulds, K.; Graham, D. Thermoresponsive Polymer Micropatterns Fabricated by Dip-Pen Nanolithography for a Highly Controllable Substrate with Potential Cellular Applications. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (37), 24844–24852. [link]


11. Heydari, E.; Mabbott, S.; Thompson, D.; Graham, D.; Cooper, J. M.; Clark, A. W. Engineering Molecularly-Active Nanoplasmonic Surfaces for DNA Detection via Colorimetry and Raman Scattering. In Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XIII; 2016. [link]


10. Docherty, J.; Mabbott, S.; Smith, E.; Faulds, K.; Davidson, C.; Reglinski, J.; Graham, D. Detection of Potentially Toxic Metals by SERS Using Salen Complexes. Analyst 2016, 141 (20), 5857–5863. [link]


9. Marks, H.; Mabbott, S.; Jackson, G. W.; Graham, D.; Cote, G. L. SERS Active Colloidal Nanoparticles for the Detection of Small Blood Biomarkers Using Aptamers. In Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications X; Parak, W. J., Osinski, M., Liang, X.-J., Eds.; 2015; p 93381C. [link]


8. Mabbott, S.; Alharbi, O.; Groves, K.; Goodacre, R. Application of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering to the Solution-Based Detection of a Popular Legal High, 5,6-Methylenedioxy-2-Aminoindane (MDAI). Analyst 2015, 140 (13), 4399–4406. [link]

7. Kashmery, H. A.; Thompson, D. G.; Dondi, R.; Mabbott, S.; Graham, D.; Clark, A. W.; Burley, G. A. SERS Enhancement of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by a Template-Directed Triazole Ligand Strategy. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51 (65), 13028–13031. [link]


6.  Docherty, J.; Mabbott, S.; Smith, W. E.; Reglinski, J.; Faulds, K.; Davidson, C.; Graham, D. Determination of Metal Ion Concentrations by SERS Using 2,2′-Bipyridyl Complexes. Analyst 2015, 140 (19), 6538–6543. [link]


5. Bedics, M. A.; Kearns, H.; Cox, J. M.; Mabbott, S.; Ali, F.; Shand, N. C.; Faulds, K.; Benedict, J. B.; Graham, D.; Detty, M. R. Extreme Red Shifted SERS Nanotags. Chem. Sci. 2015, 6 (4), 2302–2306. [link]

4. Gracie, K.; Correa, E.; Mabbott, S.; Dougan, J. A.; Graham, D.; Goodacre, R.; Faulds, K. Simultaneous Detection and Quantification of Three Bacterial Meningitis Pathogens by SERS. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5 (3), 1030–1040. [link]


3. Mabbott, S.; Eckmann, A.; Casiraghi, C.; Goodacre, R. 2p or Not 2p: Tuppence-Based SERS for the Detection of Illicit Materials. Analyst 2013, 138 (1), 118–122. [link]


2. Mabbott, S.; Correa, E.; Cowcher, D. P.; Allwood, J. W.; Goodacre, R. Optimization of Parameters for the Quantitative Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of Mephedrone Using a Fractional Factorial Design and a Portable Raman Spectrometer. Anal. Chem. 2013, 85 (2), 923–931. [link]


1. Mabbott, S.; Larmour, I. A.; Vishnyakov, V.; Xu, Y.; Graham, D.; Goodacre, R. The Optimisation of Facile Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering through Galvanic Replacement of Silver onto Copper. Analyst 2012, 137 (12), 2791. [link]

Book Chapter

Book Chapters

1. Asiala, S.; Barrett, L.; Mabbott. S.; Graham, D. Advances in Biofunctional SERS-Active Nanoparticles for Future Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics." Frontiers of Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy 2016, Vol 11245, 131-161. [link

Other Articles

Other Articles (chronological order)

4. Sengupta, S.; Bedics, M.; Plakas, K.; Bromley, L.; Kearns, H.; Mabbott, S.; Ali, F.; Faulds, K.; Shand, N.; Graham, D.; Detty, M.; and Velarde, L. Orientation and binding of near-infrared absorbing dyes at a gold surface. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 252 2016.


3. Hayes, M.; Graham, D.; Mabbott. S. Investigation of surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity in silver-coated magnetic nanoparticles." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 251 2016.


2. Hayes, M.; Graham, D.; Mabbott. S. Undergraduate research in Glasgow, Scotland: A study on magnetic nanoparticles and life beyond the United States. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 251 2016.


1. Mackanic, D.; Mabbott, S.; Graham, D. Summer research in the UK: Unique chemistry in a unique environment. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 249 2016.

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